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Building confidence

Having fun

Encouraging growth mindsets

Sparking curiosity

Teaching & learning for the 21st century

Pastoral and Wellbeing

A strong pastoral system where the children are known well by all staff ensures that the children’s emotional well-being is cared for and they flourish and grow as individuals.

Looking after the children to ensure they feel safe, secure and happy is at the heart of everything we do.

Our dedicated team of staff play an essential role in ensuring that each child feels they have a voice and are listened to. Each pupil’s well-being is carefully monitored and alongside assessment of academic progress, we use a tracking system to monitor each child’s personal development.

Children are encouraged to get involved in all aspects of school life, both in and out of the classroom, and by doing this they discover their own interests and passions, thus developing their individuality and a healthy self-esteem.

The West Lodge Way

Our core values, set out in the 'West Lodge Way', developed in conjunction with the students, focuses on developing children’s inter-personal skills with a strong emphasis on good manners, kindness and consideration for others.

At West Lodge we will:

  • Make everybody feel welcome by being kind and well-mannered.
  • Co-operate and share with others.
  • Settle arguments peacefully.
  • Always tell the truth.
  • Keep everybody safe by walking sensibly and quietly around the school.
  • Look after everything in our school, our own and other people’s property.
  • Be proud of our school uniform and keep it smart.
  • Always try our best in everything we do.
  • Always try to apply our growth mindset.
  • Look after our environment and the world.