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Year 2 'meet' Florence Nightingale

Year 2 enjoyed visiting the Florence Nightingale Museum in London.  They have enjoyed learning about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole this half term, looking at how they both improved nursing.

This trip gave the children an opportunity to give context to their learning and enjoy a real, hands-on experience.

The children impressed 'Florence Nightingale' with their knowledge and they all came away having learnt something new! 

My favourite part was seeing Florence Nightingale in real life. I was so surprised to see her!

I learnt that Florence was not allowed to go to school because she was a girl.

I learnt that Florence Nightingale had over 100 pets.

I was surprised to see that her owl was actually real and had been stuffed! We all thought it was pretend at first!

I learnt about the toys Florence played with when she was a child.