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Building confidence

Having fun

Encouraging growth mindsets

Sparking curiosity

Teaching & learning for the 21st century


Computing prepares pupils for the challenges of a rapidly developing and changing technological world. Children are given opportunities to experience Computing and develop their skills linking this work with other areas of the curriculum where applicable.

As both work and leisure activities are increasingly transformed by technology, pupils need to gain confidence in their ability to use computing tools in an effective and discriminating way. Through teaching Computing, we encourage children to understand its relevance and importance in everyday life. Pupils need to be able to decide when and where to use ICT skills to best effect, and to find, explore, analyse, exchange and present information. The use of computing enhances and extends pupils’ learning across the whole curriculum whilst developing motivation and skills.

The school is well-resourced with a fully equipped Computer Suite with three 3D printers, plus a bank of iPads, full set of micro:bits!, Raspberry Pis and full set of Crumble Programming Units.

All classrooms have a PC which is attached to an interactive white board and the bank of iPads are used wihtin the classrooms.

All children in Nursery to Year 6 are taught a weekly lesson in the Computer Suite or Science Room for Nursery.

We run various projects in each year group for computing. Some of which are listed below:

  • Year 6 – Build an Arcade Cabinet (understanding hardware and building computers).
  • Year 5 / 6 – Design and build an App.
  • Years 3 / 4 – Green screen work and Designing games on a computer.
  • Years 1 -6 – Design and create 3D models and then print them using our 3D printers in school.

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Year 4 thoroughly enjoying combining their coding and technology skills in Computing ...the lead in to robotics!


I enjoy Maths and Computing most. I like Maths because it’s logical and there’s always a right answer. I enjoy Computing because I can use my understanding and creativity on the computer.

Year 6 pupil