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Building confidence

Having fun

Encouraging growth mindsets

Sparking curiosity

Teaching & learning for the 21st century


“We are not makers of history. We are made by history.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.


 At West Lodge we believe it is important for children to understand the link between the world today and an event that has happened hundreds or thousands of years ago. History is about people and the decisions they make, motivated by the human emotions that we all have. We want the children at West Lodge to understand the potentially huge impact of decisions made.

We look to bring the past to life for our children, seeking to capture their imagination by teaching a wide-ranging and exciting curriculum.

From learning about the local history of Sidcup in Year 1, the Roman invasion in Year 3 and World War 1 and World War 2 in Year 6, each topic is covered in a suitable way for the age group, using a range of different teaching styles and techniques such as themed days, visiting speakers, trips and workshops, diary entries, newspaper reports and letters to imaginary family members to ensure learning is unforgettable and great fun!


Year 5 are Victorians for the day

Year 5 are Victorians for the day Year 5 visited Leeds Castle and experienced what it was like to be a Victorian child at school.  Following this, they had a tour of the castle with Lord Philip and Lady Elizabeth.

Year 4 set sail on a learning adventure to the National Maritime Museum

Year 4 set sail on a learning adventure to the National Maritime Museum As part of their current Humanities topic, 'Anglo-Saxons and Vikings', Year 4 pupils spent a fascinating day at the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich to enrich their learning. 

Year 3 travel back to the Stone Age

Year 3 travel back to the Stone Age Year 3 travelled back to the Stone Age and enjoyed a full day of workshops learning about early trading, beliefs, using stone to grind grain, cave painting, hunting and farming and how weapons were made thanks to our amazing opposable thumbs and well-developed brains.

Year 2 'meet' Florence Nightingale

Year 2 'meet' Florence Nightingale Year 2 enjoyed visiting the Florence Nightingale Museum in London.  They have enjoyed learning about Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole this half term, looking at how they both improved nursing.