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PSHE and Citizenship

PSHE enables our pupils to become healthy, informed and responsible members of society.

At West Lodge School, we follow the Cambridgeshire Primary PSHE Programme, alongside SRE (Relationship Education) and the fundamental British Values.

Through PSHE lessons, West Lodge pupils reflect on their experiences; understanding how they are developing personally and socially, as well as many of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. We encourage our pupils to play a positive role in contributing to the life of the school and the wider community.

We also have a very active School Council, with pupils from Year 2 upwards, who strive to create positive changes in the school community. There are also a wide variety of opportunities to be involved in the wider community such as:

  • Running and partaking in fundraising events, often linked to causes close to the hearts of the school community.
  • Joining the Eco Council who ensure that sustainability and protecting the environment are at the heart of the school's work. The group also works proactively within the local community, for example they undertake regular litter picks in the local area.
  • Hosting an awareness raising assembly, eg to explain work of a charity.
  • Singing in local care homes.