Music is an integral part of school life promoting confidence and encouraging creativity. Each year group enjoys two class music lessons a week, taught by our specialist Music teacher.
The focus of Foundation Music is developing vocal and rhythm skills with a heavy dose of fun. Moving to Key Stage One, the children continue to sing a great deal and also to explore Classical Music and therefore develop their listening skills.
The Ukulele as a class lesson is introduced in Key Stage Two and lessons become more formal with the children learning about the structure of music. The vocal content of the lessons progresses to part singing culminating in three of four parts by the end of Year 6. Composition and Music Technology are introduced.
West Lodge offers Piano, Violin, Guitar, ‘Cello, Vocal and Flute lessons via a bank of peripetetic specialists. The emphasis is on performing with many early morning concerts being held as well as two evening concerts. Each assembly features a performance at the beginning. Children take ABRSM exams with many children leaving the school having attained Grade 5 or more.
Pupils enjoyed singing to the residents of Weald Heights:
Music is an integral part of all of the school productions at West Lodge. Here you can listen to Years 3 & 4 sing one of the songs from their production 'Plastic Pirates':
Hear parents talk about musical provision at West Lodge:
Meet Mr James, our Music Teacher
Music is at the heart of a West Lodge education and every child is involved in music making.